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International Societies coming to World Dermatology Conference 2015

By Emily Innes and John Evans

Around 30 groups from The International League of Dermatology Societies will be convening during the 23rd World Congress of Dermatology (WCD) in Vancouver.

On Monday, June 8, 2015—the first day of the six day conference—dermatology societies from around the world will have a chance to host half- or full-day meetings for their members.

Some of the groups on the preliminary list include the American Academy of Dermatology,

the British Association of Dermatology, the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance, the Chinese

Society of Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology of India, the Ibero Latin American College of

Dermatology, the International Forum for the Study of Itch, the Israel Society of Dermatology,

the Turkish Society of Dermatology, and many more.

THE CHRONICLE OF SKIN & ALLERGY had the opportunity to speak with representatives from several of these societies to discuss their plans for the WCD. (Click for full list)


The European Soci ety for Dermatol ogy and Psychiatry (ESDaP) is a scientific society with

more than 100 members from around the world, says Italian dermatologist Dr. Michael Dennis

Linder, president of the society. The ESDaP was originally established in 1993 in Vienna.

The ESDaP provides a forum for European physicians and psychologists working in psychodermatology, psychosomatic dermatology, and dermatopsychiatry, says

Dr. Linder, with an aim to foster exchange of information and ideas. As well, the society tries to encourage contacts among professionals in the field to improve the quality of scientific research in those three areas, and to recruit new members in order to provide important expertise.

“The ultimate aim of the society is to foster improvement of patient care by putting into practice insights gained through research in psycho-dermatology,” says Dr. Linder.

The ESDaP has planned a whole-day meeting that will include several members who have been invited to speak during the congress itself, says Dr. Linder.

Doctors interested in learning more about ESDaP can find the Society’s web page at

The Women’s Dermatologic Society


In 1973 Dr. Wilma Bergfeld, a Cleveland-based dermatologist and the first female president of

the American Academy of Dermatology, recognized a lack of women dermatologists in leadership positions and founded The Women's Dermatologic Society (WDS).

“The mission of the Women’s Dermatology Society is, number one, to promote leadership

and also to develop friendships and relationships through mentoring and networki ng, ” says

Washington, D.C.-based dermatologist Dr. Valerie D. Callender, president of the WDS.

Though the group had humble beginnings, the WDS now has 1,500 national (in America) and International members. The WDS has a sister society in Europe, India, and one is being started

in South Africa.

The group is primarily (about 90%) women, but there are al so male dermatologist members, says Dr. Callender. The WDS is actively seeking to increase the number of male members.

During the World Congress, the WDS will host a social reception on the Sunday prior to the meetings and then a full-day meeting on the societies' day. Dr. Callender says the common themes of the presentation will be leadership, multi-tasking, mentorship, and balancing career and home life.

“I know we can’t do it all but [the goal is] to feel energized and to be able to have happiness

at not only what we do for a living—treating patients—but also be happy at home, ” says Dr.

Callender. “[Also we facilitate] the development of these relationships that are long standing and meaningful with our colleagues and fellow dermatologists.”

Interested dermatologists will have the opportunity to sign up during the WDC or can do so online. If you would like to learn more about the WDS visit


The goal of the long standing French Society of Dermatology is to encourage research, teaching, and the development of guidelines, says the societies president and France-based dermatologist Dr. Olivier Chosidow.

“We have a lot of working groups belonging to the French Society of Dermatology devoted to

clinical research aiming to support clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and in fact we are publishing a lot of studies on [our] behalf,” says Dr. Chosidow.

This professional society has more than 2,400 members from both private practices and hospitals, with a current administrative council of 21 positions.

During the WCD, the French Society of Dermatology will be combining their meeting with the Association Des Dermatologiste de Quebec (ADQ) and the Association of French-speaking Dermatologists.

“It will be a good opportunity for the French speaking dermatologists to be all together and share practices, guidelines, scientific views, and social events,” says Dr. Chosidow.

Fi nd out more about the French Society of Dermatology by visiting their website at

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The Cosmeti c Dermatol ogy Soci ety of India (CDSI) was established 18 years ago with 50 members, but now has a strength of more than 2,000 members, says Dr. Rekha Sheth, CDSI founder and president.

CDSI was formed to teach scientific aspect s of Cosmetic Dermatology, to impart scientific knowledge on the techniques and procedures in cosmetic dermatology, to educate both medical practitioner and the general public, and to “discourage quackery”, says Dr. Sheth.

Medical education in India does not include cosmetic dermatology, says Dr. Sheth. “Our [annual] conferences and workshops fill in this gap encouraging safer standards in patient care while imparting knowledge, education, and learning in a scientific manner.”

At this year’s World Congress, the CDSI is holding several short presentations, followed by a panel discussion on the ‘Management of the Aging Face’, says Dr. Sheth. “We are placing emphasis on skin of colour, especially the Indian skin.”

Dr. Sheth invites all of her international colleagues to attend the Society’s events in Vancouver to learn more about the CDSI. She also invites doctors to attend the annual conferences

hosted by CDSI.

More information on CDSI is available at the group’s webpage which is located at

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