It is the last week to register in advance for Skin Spectrum Summit 2019 in Toronto, at a new venue, the Chestnut Residence and Conference Centre.
This Saturday, April 6, Canada’s premier ethnodermatology conference returns to Toronto for the 5 th year with the aim of providing providing better dermatologic care for the region’s diverse and growing ethnic communities, notably Fitzpatrick Scale skin types III through VI. Dermatologist Dr. Gary Sibbald, professor in the division of clinical and public health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, who has a special interest in wound care and education, is the curriculum chair this year.
The Summit is attended yearly by dermatologists, general practitioners, family practitioners, nurses, nurse practitioners, and residents looking to improve their skills and knowledge in the treatment of patients with skin of colour.
International experts on dermatology, including Dr. Andrew F. Alexis, Dr. Renee Beach, Dr. Marissa Joseph, and Dr. Jerry Tan will speak on a range of topics, including:
Acne vulgaris and scarring concerns
Challenges of treating psoriasis in skin-of-colour patients
Managing melasma and vitiligo
Sun protection and aging concerns in darker, and other, skin types
Improving outcomes in atopic dermatitis for patients with skin of colour
Assessing hair and scalp disorders, including in skin of colour
The agenda for the meeting can be read at: https://www.skinspectrum.ca/toronto Advance registration can be done online at the link above, or over the telephone by calling 416–916–2476.