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Collection of pearls from WCD sessions

Writer's picture: Derm CityDerm City


Tuesday 09 June, 2015 From 13:30 to 16:30 Location: West Ballroom BCD

SY06 - Pathogenesis of Psoriasis - What's Clinically Relevant? [SY06-05]

Unravelling the environmental component of psoriasis: stimuli transmitted by the Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) dampen the severity of psoriatic inflammation

Paola Di Meglio

The Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom

  • In contrast to the fast-growing list of psoriasis susceptibility genes, the environmental factors involved in disease pathogenesis are still ill-defined on a mechanistic base.

  • The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a transcription factor and environmental sensor activated by tryptophan metabolites with a protective role in psoriasis, acting as anti-inflammatory brake delivered by non-immune cells to constrain chronic skin inflammation.

  • Modulation of the AhR pathway might represent a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

Tuesday 09 June, 2015 From 08:00 to 10:00 Location: East 11-12 CME Credits: 2.0

WS02 - Cosmetic Dermatology for the General Dermatologist

[WS02-02] Face peeling formulation and efficacy

Zoe Diana Draelos, Dermatology Consulting Services, High Point, United States

  • Face peels can be divided into superficial (Glycolic acid, Salicylic acid) and deep (Trichloroacetic acid) based on the acid penetration into the skin.

  • Glycolic acid peels are water soluble, requiring neutralization, while salicylic acid peels are oil soluble and self neutralizing.

  • Jessner's peel is a combination peel solution that can be used as a prepeel for a trichloroacetic acid peel to achieve penetration enhancement.

  • Tricholoracetic acid peels are best used for improving dyspigmentation while superficial peels are better suited to achieve aggressive exfoliation.

Tuesday 09 June, 2015 From 14:30 to 16:30 Location: East 16 CME Credits: 2.0

WS16 - Community Dermatology

[WS16-04] Working with other Neglected Disease Groups: increasing global traction for dermatology

Roderick Hay, International Foundation for Dermatology, London, United Kingdom

  • It is important to enlarge the definition of neglected diseases to include those affecting the skin by WHO and other organisations

  • Skin abnormality is the presenting feature of many of the major neglected tropical diseases from leprosy to onchocerciasis.

  • Teaching the simple diagnostic clues provided by these skin signs will improve case detection - suitable for on line or hard copy access.

  • Forming alliances to adopt a common approach to disease management including skin involvement will simplify treatment eg a unified management protocol for the chronically swollen limb or ulcer management.

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